Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I had nothing to do today, so I decided to watch this movie..

So, let me share some things i got from this movie..
What if someone you love keep rejecting you? although you have done a lot of things to save your relationships? What if you have done everything including the things that you dont want to do to show that you still love your partner?

Caleb: No! And you'd think after I washed the car, changed the oil, do the dishes, washed the house, that she would try to show me a little bit of gratitude, but she doesn't. In fact, when I come home, she makes me feel like I'm an enemy! I'm not even welcome in my own home, dad! That is what really ticks me off! Dad, for the last three weeks I have bent over backwards for her! I have tried to demonstrate that I still care about this relationship. I bought her flowers, which she threw away. I have taken her insults and her sarcasm, but last night was it. I made dinner for her. I did everything I could to demonstrate that I care about her, to show value for her, and she spat in my face! She does not deserve this, dad! I am not doing it anymore! How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over and over, who constantly rejects me?  
John: [John Holt strokes the wooden cross, and turns to Caleb] That's a good question. 
Caleb :Dad, that is not what I'm doing.  
John : Is it? 
Caleb: No. Dad, that is not what this is about.  
John : Son, you just asked me: how can someone show love over and over again when they're constantly rejected? Caleb, the answer is: you can't love her, because you can't give her what you don't have. I couldn't truly love your mother until I understood what love truly was. It's not because I get some reward out of it. I've now made a decision to love your mother whether she deserves it or not. Son, God loves you, even though you don't deserve it. Even though you've rejected Him. Spat in His face. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin, because He loves you. The cross was offensive to me, until I came to it. But when I did, Jesus Christ changed my life. That's when I truly began to love your mom. Son, I can't settle this for you. This is between you and the Lord. But I love you too much not to tell you the truth. Can't you see that you need Him? Can't you see that you need His forgiveness? 

And now i realize what love is. God loves us so much that He wanted to die at the cross although we dont want to accept Him. That is love! I hope you guys can watch this film too. I bet you wont regret it!

my favorite quote from the movie :
The sad part about it is, when most people promise for better or for worse, they really only mean for the better.


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