Oh well.. Again, I am so lazy and "busy" to update my blog. Anyway, after studying for music test for tomorrow, i'm so bored. SO, i try to post some things so that i can start to read and study again.. hmm..
Getting so busy these days because of midterms. Exams are getting harder and papers are piling up. Oh well, i got one research paper for my major class and it's frustrating although i haven't started it yet. *sigh. That paper is pretty important for my graduation. Zzzzzz.... Hope i can get it done during spring break.
Some significant things happened lately. From my previous post, forgive me for that devastated and childish pictures of me. That time i was so depressed and i became a victim of my own mind. Luckily, i had a friend that helped me getting out from my own thought. Thanks :*. So happy that finally God granted my wish; to have a friend that i can share with especially spiritually. And what I am glad about these days is that i can finally cry in front of them. Thanks to ISA retreat. I feel so relieved and i have this sort of accomplishment. I throw my pride away! I don't have to keep things by myself anymore. God is so gracious to me and i am thankful for that. =).
And here is another thought that came across to my mind these past weeks,
I believe, events of my life refine me. Comparing myself to the past, i feel so much better although i'm still far from perfection. God leads me here and He wants me to learn, learn until the day He came. I knew that in the past i was so like Pharisees, judging others and feeling righteous. But here, i know i'm no different from people who kill or steal. I'm the same, in fact, might be worst. Thank God, I learned. I learned that not Law that grant me eternal life because I can't do the Law perfectly. It is God.
This semester, i can see that reading bible, going to church, or doing righteous things don't show that i can go to heaven. No. It is my relationship to God. That's all that matter. I hope during my studies for 4 years in Biola, can open my eyes of who God is. I just want to know more about Him. That's what i want.
Btw, nobody celebrates April's Fool day. =.=". Sort of relieved but i miss the jokes i had during high school year, tricking friends ;p. BUT, people celebrate Palm's Sunday. Kinda new for me, but I think it's gonna be reminder for me, that Good Friday is coming. Remembrance of Jesus' crucifixion, a Lamb that was slain, to redeem us. Prepare the heart, folks. =)
Have a great weekday! =D
Trololololololoooooo~ random pictures.. I love my hair in these two pictures cause it curls itself. >.<
Sharon with her new car oh yeahhhhhhhh~ |
My future carrrrr... VW BETTLE newestttt! >.< . Just kiddin. =P .It's my favorite car now. Too bad that i did not take picture with the yellow one. T.T. can't wait to get my license. Dang.. why it is so hard to have license here. =.=" |